Yes, it is a welcome change to the downtown traffic pattern and should ease navigation for locals and especially tourists. Further, two-way Main was recommended in the Downtown Master Plan, and this seems like an easy item to check off the list.
There is a reason why so many other cities nationwide are converting one-way streets to two-way streets, including our neighbors in Louisville and Lexington. It slows traffic, improves vehicular circulation, and helps tourists get around our downtown core.
I understand the complications of one-way traffic on West Main and potential challenges converting to two-way traffic, having operated my business in the 200 block of West Main for five years. The City must stripe loading zones in strategic areas and stripe additional parking spaces on adjacent streets.
I look forward to seeing the results of the City’s parking study currently underway, which will guide this effort. But minor inconveniences are far outweighed by the improved navigation and increased visibility of Main Street businesses.
Change can be difficult, but people and businesses will adjust quickly. If we never try anything different, we will never have any progress. Let’s celebrate this small step in moving Frankfort forward.