My politics are informed by my cumulative life experiences and knowledge, and by my faith. It is in times like these that faith is necessary. Whether it be worries about the health of a loved one, the financial markets, or social isolation, we must continue to have faith that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
This country alone has withstood revolution, civil war, other plagues, a great depression, and two world wars. In hindsight, we got through these difficult times by coming together as a community and society as a whole is stronger than ever. Fewer people live in poverty than ever before. Life expectancy worldwide continues to increase. Literacy rates continue to improve. New technologies are exponentially advancing health care.
As mayor, I will represent all citizens no matter their faith or what they believe. I will continue to have faith in humanity that in times of crisis, we will come together, support one another, and act in the best interest of our community.