First, in this emergency, we must support those who are most vulnerable. As mayor, I would promote giving back to local non-profits to help with this, and any future, crisis. I have been involved in establishing the Frankfort-Franklin County COVID-19 Response Fund to assist in getting help to those in need.
I would also encourage Frankfort residents to do all they can to support our local restaurants and other small businesses. We are at risk of losing some beloved businesses if this situation goes on too long.
Working with other business development agencies, I would promote any government assistance programs and whatever technical assistance is needed to ensure our small businesses should get their fair share of the massive stimulus bills coming out of Washington.
Next, we must prevent the further spread of the virus so that we, and our economy, can get back to normal as soon as possible. As mayor, I would encourage all residents to follow the Governor’s guidelines on social distancing. Governor Andy Beshear has done a fantastic job in establishing goals and a timeline, and I will collaborate with and follow his lead.
Finally, we need to begin looking past the current crisis and prepare for a post-pandemic Frankfort. Immediately, our city has already seen a drop in tax revenue due to the decrease in occupational taxes. This will negatively impact our budget and having a mayor with expertise in financial planning will be crucial to see us through.
Long-term, we must take steps to prepare our economy so future shocks will not affect so much. My plan to diversify our economy to be less dependent on state government- and recruit more full-time residents- is looking even better. With strong leadership, Frankfort will pull through this crisis stronger and more prosperous than before.